How to change a car factory to launch a new model

There is no boy in the world who at some point in his childhood has not been attracted to a giant box of toy bricks, to let his imagination run wild and build a house, a car, a robot or a robot. Spacecraft. Then came technology through a cell phone, tablet or computer directly, and the pixels grabbed the attention completely. Of course, this is a generality, but not too far from the reality of the 21st century.

But technology does not completely replace imagination but complements it completely. And around the world there are men and women who work on the assembly lines of car factories as a “game to put together”. Loose pieces enter from one side, and as it progresses, others are added, perfectly synchronized, coming from different areas of the same floor to fit together, and through passageways. Finally, a complete and finished car is produced. it’s tempting.

In Argentina, one of the largest and best-known plants in the automotive industry is Ford in General Pacheco, in the northern region of Greater Buenos Aires. Formally the Ford Argentina Industrial Center, it was inaugurated in September 1961, and exactly 60 years later, in 2021, a radical transformation process began, one of the most significant in its rich history.

this is a Comprehensive modernization of its facilities and operationsthat is part of the plan $580 million investment which was launched to rank among the most advanced automotive factories in South America, and is The intention is to provide the next generation Ranger to customers in the region in 2023.

The execution plan requires several steps. The second is that which has just ended, in the areas of Stamping, Bodywork and Assembly, which already operates with levels of technology comparable to that of the most advanced production centers. Conversion This was done between the months of April and May of this year, which meant halting production for six weeks.

in the industry of bodywork was involved in more than 300 automated welding robots that work in sync to build ranger beds and cabs, Allowing the field capacity to be expanded up to 90%. Thanks to these robots, the goal of Zero manual welding in main operation.

Read more: How to change a car factory to launch a new model